This beer is the first collaboration with "Minoh Beer." It took a year from conception to finally complete.The style of this beer is blended beer.
Just as there were blenders in Belgium who blended lambic, the technique of blending beer has been around for a long time. However, in Japanese craft beer, there has been no attempt to blend beers from different breweries to create a new beer, as far as I know.
Before making the beer, we discussed with the brewers of "Minoh Beer" about what ratio would be good and how much carbonation should be added and so on.We finally completed it after finding the perfect balance.
The beer released from Nara Brewing this time is based on Belgian Dark Strong Ale "Nocturne" and blended with "Minoh Imperial Stout"."Minoh Imperial Stout" has won the world gold medal three times at the "IBA (International Brewing Award)". It features a rich roastiness and malt sweetness. On the other hand, "Nocturne" has a rich aroma of malt complemented by the scent of dried fruits reminiscent of raisins and dried figs, along with complex scents derived from licorice, coriander seeds, and orange peel. Blended by each brewer's ideal ratio, "From Dusk" is the result.
With each sip, various flavors come and go, resulting in a finish that is never tiresome despite its high alcohol content. It is perfect for starting to drink "from dusk" as the night falls.