サイドプロジェクト / セゾン・デュ・フェルミエ・ピノノワールパンチョン (ブレンド #4) (Saison) 750ml瓶 [Side Project Brewing / Saison du Fermier Pinot Noir Puncheons (Blend #4)]
フラッグシップのセゾン「Saison du Fermier」を、オレゴン・ピノノワールが入っていたフレンチオークのパンチョンで12ヶ月間熟成させ、5か月間のボトルコンディショニングを施した限定バージョン。新旧のセゾンの特徴が調和し、力強い味わいで、モダンなセゾンよりも淡い色合いながら、ミズーリの野生酵母の華やかで深みと素朴さのあるキャラクターとバランスが取れている。
By barrel-fermenting and aging our spelt Saison in 500L, French Oak puncheons which formally held Oregon Pinot Noir, we create a new level of depth and a unique nuance to our flagship Saison. Blend #4 rested and matured in oak for just over 12 months and was then bottle conditioned for 5 months before sharing it with you.
Saison du Fermier is the harmony of new and old. It is robust and has the paler color of modern Saisons, yet it is balanced with the brightness, depth and rustic character of the wild microflora found on our family's Missouri farm. This limited expression of Saison du Fermier was fermented in and aged in Pinot Noir puncheons for 12 months before being naturally conditioned in this bottle.
By barrel-fermenting and aging our spelt Saison in 500L, French Oak puncheons which formally held Oregon Pinot Noir, we create a new level of depth and a unique nuance to our flagship Saison. Blend #4 rested and matured in oak for just over 12 months and was then bottle conditioned for 5 months before sharing it with you.
Saison du Fermier is the harmony of new and old. It is robust and has the paler color of modern Saisons, yet it is balanced with the brightness, depth and rustic character of the wild microflora found on our family's Missouri farm. This limited expression of Saison du Fermier was fermented in and aged in Pinot Noir puncheons for 12 months before being naturally conditioned in this bottle.